
She loves to be loved….


She loves to be loved….

She is bored with her married life. Her husband never wants to be with her nor wants to give her any value in his life.He values his friends. He doesn’t want to stay home or give her any valuable time when free from office. Goes out in the evening with friends never bothering her how she manages her 3 year old kid. He usually comes back late never bothers that dinner time should be taken with his family on time.

And this is the life of Nita, an Indian woman, young , attractive, outgoing, dynamic who takes life with positive vibes. Even though her husband never bothers her she is leading her life with hope and courage. Until one day, when she was expecting too much from her husband about wishing her on Mother’ s Day. Life and Love gave her another chance to be loved….

While she was browsing the most popular social media, she came across many friend requests as usual. ( to be continued)….


The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
